Monday 1 July 2013

Wonder Pets

A hero with four legs, and a wagging tail of joy.

It was a usual day at school. I took the bus that dropped me off at my uncles’ house. My mother asked me to go there as she was going out somewhere and babysitters were not available at that late hour. It was about seven in the evening. It was getting darker by the minute. I wasn't used to travelling in the bus alone. As the bus dropped me off at the nearby bus stop, I got off, looked ahead and saw that I had a long walk to my uncles’ house. I took a deep breath, straitened my back, and took my first step. It seemed that I had lost my balance and I collapsed to the ground. My bravery remained obscure, hidden deep down somewhere. But, I managed to get up and took the second step. I realized to be hyperventilating because of the sudden howling sound I heard somewhere beyond the trees. I ran as fast as I could. My uncles’ house was still vague from there. I stopped half way, not moving an inch. All the nerves in my body were frozen, not allowing me to take another step forward. In front of me stood a huge, black wasn't even chained neither caged. I was about to give a blood curdling scream and run but, it didn't seem to be  the right thing to do as I was carrying a heavy load of books. It looked the end of the world to me. I looked ahead and I saw the Rottweiler’s thirsty eyes. I panicked and began to cry. I stayed put as the hunter sauntered closer. I jerked at the sound of footsteps behind me. I was relieved to find a cute, little puppy standing behind me. The puppy had no collar. He was wagging his tail in joy. The sight of the cute puppy calmed me. I relaxed and looked ahead. This day couldn't have gotten any worse. The Rottweiler had sat on the middle of the road waiting for my arrival. But, the cute little puppy came next to me and barked a cute, little bark that gave me confidence. I walked quietly with my bodyguard at my side to meet what was waiting for me. I was shocked to see that the huge, black Rottweiler didn't even notice us. The little puppy was even braver then me. I was amazed to see the confidence he had. As we passed the Rottweiler he slowly got up. The little puppy barked his cute, little bark and the Rottweiler ran into his owners’ house. The puppy pranced like he was the strongest dog in the world. His level of confidence overwhelmed me. That day I learnt a big lesson from him, ‘to be a millionaire, you have to walk like one` I regained my confidence and pledged to be much braver next time. As I reached my uncles house I looked back and saw that he was there, waiting outside the gate. I thanked him and blew him a kiss goodbye. I owed the puppy one. He barked his cute, little bark that I would cherish my whole life and pranced with his millionaire of a walk. I smiled and went in. I told everything about my long day to my uncle. He laughed that I lacked in bravery that the little puppy had loads of. I couldn't sleep the whole night. I missed that cute dog terribly. I woke up in the morning to find my hero sitting outside waiting for me. He got up and wagged his tail at the sight of me. I ran and cuddled him. He licked all over my face. I called my uncle to show my hero that saved my live. I decided to adopt him as he was a stray and had no collar. I named him `Hero` as he saved my live. That day I learnt that heroes come in many sizes. Even the  cutest things can have the most extraordinary talents and immense amount of bravery. Still, I learn a lot from my cute, little puppy `Hero`. A hero with four legs, and a wagging tail of joy.